Episode 56 | Lisa Kalberer

Lisa Kalberer | The Giving Manger


The Giving Manger helps families shift the focus of Christmas back to giving. A piece of straw is placed in the manger fro each kind deed or act of service performed. And then on Christmas Day the manger is full and the baby Jesus can be placed in the manger.

Why do we love this? Well, it is working together as a family to fill the manger with service and love. Making Christmas less about the presents and the elfs destroying our homes every night. The focus is on giving and the real meaning of Christmas. Something that is easily forgotten during this busy time.

In this episode you will hear how two sisters took their idea and created a tradition that spreads kindness and promotes service. The kit includes a story book, wooden manger and baby made out of clay. You can your Giving Manger by visiting: www.thegivingmanger.com

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