Episode 147 | Mary Hyatt

Mary Hyatt | WTH… Breathwork?????


Mary Hyatt has been on our podcast 3 times now. We love her teaching, her practices and her friendship so much! When we booked The Getaway this year we KNEW we had to have her back for a second year to do one of her Breathwork sessions. In this episode we break down what the heck actually happened, WHY we had the reaction we did and HOW this truly changed our lives.

Mary Hyatt is a life and business mindset coach who specializes in helping high achieving individuals move from living a life of burnout to a life where they are connected to their emotions, their body, and their spirit. Mary is the host of the "Living Fully Alive" podcast that is about to launch its 4th season, where she dives deeper into mindset and emotional healing and helps her listeners learn to embody a life fully lived. As a trained Yoga, Meditation and Breathwork Instructor, Mary brings a level of trauma informed somatic consciousness and soul focused inner work to everything she does. She brings the heart and soul back to life and business, and gives women permission to come back home to the truest parts of themselves.

Find her at www.maryhyatt.com and @maryghyatt on instagram

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