Episode 151 | Hugh Howser

Hugh Howser | Happy Hughlidays


Funny story about the first time we recorded Hugh. We were fresh into our podcast- like 2nd episode, and we were trying to do everything on our own - learning how to produce and record and edit- and we were so excited about having him on. We recorded for well over an hour, laughed all the way through it and really felt like we had a great interview ONLY to find out that it had not been recording!!!! We were devastated, and embarrassed and so dang mad that we messed it up!

So glad to get out redo- and this sequel is one worth watching; because we didn’t stop talking for 2 hours straight. Don’t worry, it’s edited- but we seriously had the best time with Hugh. He’s a special event expert and has been published all over magazines, worked with countless celebrities, does a little stand up comedy and is just ALL THE THINGS.

We know you’ll love this episode, and holiday pep talk with Hugh.


Court and Sarah

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